By default Itinero works with OSM data but it's perfectly capable of handling other data. Think closed alternatives like TomTom MultiNet or HERE but there are also several open datasets out there most of them managed by local governments. Most of these datasets are available as shapefile and can be loaded using Itinero.IO.Shape
RouterDb from Shapefile
This is an example of loading data from a shapefile into a router db. We are using an open dataset from the Dutch government called 'NWB', the 'national road registry'. We can't include samples for MultiNet or HERE because we're not sure we are allowed to do this.
You can check a full working sample here.
Vehicle definition
First of all make sure to convert your shapefile to use WGS84. The shapefile you're using has to contain two columns per geometry identifying endpoints or junctions for Itinero to be able to link them together in a network.
After that, the most important part is creating a vehicle definition that describes the attributes in the shapefile in such a way that Itinero knows how to handle the data. A profile basically translates the information in the columns of the shapefile into speed, distance and access information. An example vehicle profile:
-- car globals
name = ""
-- global profile parameters.
-- defines columns in the shapefile.
parameters = {
source_vertex = "JTE_ID_BEG",
target_vertex = "JTE_ID_END"
-- whitelists for profile and meta
profile_whitelist = {
meta_whitelist = {
-- default speed profiles
speed_profiles = {
["BVD"] = { speed = 50, oneway = nil },
["AF"] = { speed = 70, oneway = nil },
["OP"] = { speed = 70, oneway = nil },
["HR"] = { speed = 120, oneway = nil },
["MRB"] = { speed = 30, oneway = true},
["NRB"] = { speed = 30, oneway = true}
-- profile definitions linking a function to a profile
profiles = {
name = "",
function_name = "factor_and_speed",
metric = "time"
name = "shortest",
function_name = "factor_and_speed",
metric = "distance",
-- the main function turning attributes into a factor_and_speed and a tag whitelist
function factor_and_speed (attributes, result)
result.speed = 0
result.direction = 0
result.canstop = true
result.attributes_to_keep = {}
-- get default speed profiles
local BST_CODE = attributes.BST_CODE -- code of road type.
local speed_profile = speed_profiles[BST_CODE]
local speed = 70
local direction = 0 -- bidirectional default
result.attributes_to_keep.BST_CODE = true -- keep this code.
if speed_profile then
speed = speed_profile.speed
if speed_profile.oneway then
direction = 1 -- this type of edge is oneway forward by default
local RIJRICHTNG = attributes.RIJRICHTNG -- oneway code.
result.attributes_to_keep.RIJRICHTNG = true -- keep the oneway stuff
if RIJRICHTNG == "H" then
direction = 1
elseif RIJRICHTNG == "T" then
direction = 2
result.speed = speed -- speed in km/h
result.direction = direction
result.canstop = true
-- instruction generators
instruction_generators = {
applies_to = "", -- applies to all profiles when empty
generators = {
name = "start",
function_name = "get_start"
name = "stop",
function_name = "get_stop"
name = "roundabout",
function_name = "get_roundabout"
name = "turn",
function_name = "get_turn"
-- gets the first instruction
function get_start (route_position, language_reference, instruction)
if route_position.is_first() then
local direction = route_position.direction()
instruction.text = itinero.format(language_reference.get("Start {0}."), language_reference.get(direction));
instruction.shape = route_position.shape
return 1
return 0
-- gets the last instruction
function get_stop (route_position, language_reference, instruction)
if route_position.is_last() then
instruction.text = language_reference.get("Arrived at destination.");
instruction.shape = route_position.shape
return 1
return 0
function contains (attributes, key, value)
if attributes then
return localvalue == attributes[key];
-- gets a roundabout instruction
function get_roundabout (route_position, language_reference, instruction)
if (route_position.attributes.BST_CODE == "NRB" or
route_position.attributes.BST_CODE == "MRB") and
(not route_position.is_last()) then
local attributes =
if attributes.junction then
local exit = 1
local count = 1
local previous = route_position.previous()
while previous and (previous.attributes.BST_CODE == "NRB" or
previous.attributes.BST_CODE == "MRB") do
local branches = previous.branches
if branches then
branches = branches.get_traversable()
if branches.count > 0 then
exit = exit + 1
count = count + 1
previous = previous.previous()
instruction.text = itinero.format(language_reference.get("Take the {0}th exit at the next roundabout."), "" .. exit)
if exit == 1 then
instruction.text = itinero.format(language_reference.get("Take the first exit at the next roundabout."))
elseif exit == 2 then
instruction.text = itinero.format(language_reference.get("Take the second exit at the next roundabout."))
elseif exit == 3 then
instruction.text = itinero.format(language_reference.get("Take the third exit at the next roundabout."))
instruction.type = "roundabout"
instruction.shape = route_position.shape
return count
return 0
-- gets a turn
function get_turn (route_position, language_reference, instruction)
local relative_direction = route_position.relative_direction().direction
local turn_relevant = false
local branches = route_position.branches
if branches then
branches = branches.get_traversable()
if relative_direction == "straighton" and
branches.count >= 2 then
turn_relevant = true -- straight on at cross road
if relative_direction != "straighton" and
branches.count > 0 then
turn_relevant = true -- an actual normal turn
if turn_relevant then
local next =
local name = nil
if next then
name = next.attributes.STT_NAAM
if name then
instruction.text = itinero.format(language_reference.get("Go {0} on {1}."),
language_reference.get(relative_direction), name)
instruction.shape = route_position.shape
instruction.text = itinero.format(language_reference.get("Go {0}."),
instruction.shape = route_position.shape
return 1
return 0
You will need to create the same kind of profile for your own dataset, telling Itinero what to do and how to load the data.
Loading the data
Once this is done you can use the profile to create routerdb as follows:
// create a new router db and load the shapefile.
var vehicle = new Car(); // load data for the car profile.
var routerDb = new RouterDb(EdgeDataSerializer.MAX_DISTANCE);
routerDb.LoadFromShape("/path/to/shape/", "wegvakken.shp", vehicle);
// write the router db to disk for later use.
RouterDb to Shapefile
If for whatever reason you want to go in the opposite direction there is also an extension method in Itinero.IO.Shape
to write a routerdb as a shapefile. To write a shapefile with support for car, bicycle and pedestrian just do:
var profiles = new Profile[] {
routerDb.WriteToShape("shapefile", profiles);