Welcome to the Itinero routing core documentation.
You can use Itinero as a library or as a routing server. This documentation is focused on using Itinero as a library, to quickly setup a routing server, check this part of the docs.
Getting started
Working with Itinero almost always works in two steps:
- Load data from some source to build a routing network.
- Use the preprocessed data in some application.
So to get started with Itinero it's recommend to first check these sections:
- Basic concepts: The basic concepts of Itinero.
- Data sources: Where to get data.
Install Itinero in a .NET project
The following packages are available:
- Itinero
: The Itinero routing core, this is usually the only package you need to install.
- Itinero.Geo
: This package ensures compatibility with NTS.
- Itinero.IO.Osm
: This package contains code to load OSM data.
- Itinero.IO.Shape
: This package contains code to load data from shapefiles.
For those who really can't wait to get something up-and-running: A routing example to calculate one A->B route. First build a router db and a router, and then calculate a route:
// using Itinero;
// using Itinero.IO.Osm;
// using Itinero.Osm.Vehicles;
// load some routing data and create a router.
var routerDb = new RouterDb();
using (var stream = new FileInfo(@"/path/to/some/osmfile.osm.pbf").OpenRead())
routerDb.LoadOsmData(stream, Vehicle.Car);
var router = new Router(routerDb);
// calculate a route.
var route = router.Calculate(Vehicle.Car.Fastest(),
51.26797020271655f, 4.801905155181885f, 51.26100849597512f, 4.780721068382263f);
var geoJson = route.ToGeoJson();